Loki possesses physical abilities far superior to humans, an increased lifespan, superhuman strength (able to lift up to 50 tons), immune to terrestrial diseases, and resistant to conventional injury.
He is the most powerful sorcerer in all of Asgard.
He has many magical abilities included shape-shifting (able to gain the basic natural abilities inherent in each form), astral projection, molecular rearrangement, eldritch energy blasts, illusion casting, flight (via levitation), telepathy, hypnosis, and teleportation.
He is immune to most physical injury, and he can reattach severed body parts, including his own head.
He can mystically imbue objects or beings with specific and temporary powers, and enhance the powers of superhumans.
Loki can also magically create rifts between dimensions, allowing him or other objects traveling from one universe to another, mostly between Asgard and Earth.
Many years ago, when the ruler of Asgard, Bor was battling frost giants, he followed a wounded giant to a powerful sorcerer which was waiting for him. He was caught and turned into snow.
Odin, Bor's son found his father but he made no attempt to save his father.
Bor cursed Odin saying that he would take in the son of a fallen king and raise it as his own.
Not a week later, Odin led the Asgardians into battle against the Frost Giants and killed Laufey, who was the King.
Then Odin found a small Asgardian-sized child hidden within the primary stronghold of the Frost Giants.
The child was Loki and Laufey had kept him hidden from his people due to his shame over his son's small size.
Odin took the boy, out of a combination of pity, to appease his father, a worthy adversary slain in honorable combat, so he decided to raise him as his son alongside his biological son Thor.
Throughout their childhood and into adolescence, Loki was resentful for the different ways the citizens of Asgard treated him and Thor.
The Asgardians valued great strength, tenacity, and bravery, while Loki was clearly not as good as his foster brother Thor in those areas.
However, he made up for it in power and skill, particularly as a sorcerer.
As Loki grew to adulthood, his natural talent for causing mischief earned him a nickname as the "God of Lies and Mischief";eventually became malice as his hunger for power and revenge grew stronger.
He tried to use tricks to get rid of Thor several times, like telling him to guard a hole in the wall he had made.
Over the centuries, Loki also attempted on many occasions to seize rulership of Asgard and to destroy Thor. Odin, magically imprisoned him within a tree until someone would shed a tear for him.
But Loki eventually freed himself by causing a leaf to strike Heimdall, the guardian of Bifrost, in the eye, which made him shed a tear.
Loki compiled an extensive criminal record in Asgard, and was frequently exiled.
When met the Sorcerer Eldred, who taught him black magic but later he repaid him by later giving him to the Fire demon Surtur.
Battles with Earth's heroes
Loki's schemes eventually came to Earth itself, and he often fought with Earth's superhuman heroes to take their planet.
He first battled Thor on Earth in modern times after escaping from the tree, then he manipulated the Hulk into wreaking havoc to lure Thor to Earth, which inadvertently led to the formation of the Avengers as several other heroes came to meet the Hulk.
Thor was one of the founding members of this superhuman team, and often led them in battle against Loki.
Several times Loki, while not directly battling Thor himself, caused threats for Thor to battle, like increasing the mental powers of a carnival fortune teller Sandu, making him powerful enough to lift buildings with his mind, and releasing a Lava man called Molto by accident when he caused a long-dead volcano to explode.
When Loki convinced Odin to punish Thor, he took away half of Thor's power.
Loki even released Mr. Hyde and Cobra by paying their bail, then doubled their powers.
He told them to kidnap Jane Foster, which he knew would attract Thor's attention, but they were again defeated.
Loki finally went after Jane Foster himself, sending her to another dimension.
However Doctor Strange was able to protect her, and Thor forced Loki to return her.
Loki went so far as to attempt to turn Odin against Thor and to steal Thor's enchanted hammer but all his efforts failed.
When he convinced Odin to go to Earth and leave him in charge of Asgard with part of the Odinforce, he released Skagg, the largest Storm Giant, and Surtur, the huge Fire Demon to destroy Odin.
However Thor and Balder helped defeat the monsters.
The Absorbing Man was brought back to Earth by Loki, and battled Thor, but Loki quickly took him to Asgard when Thor was on the verge of defeating him. Then the Absorbing Man defeated the Asgardians without too much trouble and absorbed Odin's attacks.
However Loki and his ally were exiled into space due to a trick by Odin.
He sent his astral form back to Earth and took over the Destroyer armor, attempting to take over Asgard, but Odin sent Balder to discover the location of Loki, then used his powers to send Loki out of the Destroyer armor.
Taking over Asgard
Loki was stripped of his powers and exiled to Earth by Odin after his return from his exile in space
Loki decided to gain new powers from Karnilla; however, this accidentally created the Wrecker, who gained Asgardian powers when he put on his helmet just before Karnilla response to Loki's ritual.
As Thor had been stripped of all his powers by Odin, he almost killed him by collapsing a building on him.
He also fomented a battle between Thor and the Destroyer animated by Sif.
Loki then took command of Asgard during the Odinsleep,, but he fled when Asgard was invaded by Mangog..Later Loki usurped the throne of Asgard by taking the Odinring, but he fled again when Asgard was invaded by Surtur.
Much later, Loki usurped the throne of Asgard again, and sent the Destroyer against Thor once more.
After this, Loki's estranged wife Sigyn returned to Asgard.
Sigyn tried helping him when Loki was chained and a viper dripped poison onto his face as punishment for killing Balder.
Alongside Tyr and his forces, Loki stole the golden apples of Idunna and invaded Asgard with help from the Midgard serpent, but then changed sides and aided Odin's forces in defeating Tyr.
Despite Loki's hatred of his foster brother and father, Loki helped to defend Asgard from destruction from Surtur and his fire demons.
This was because Surtur's goal was to destroy Asgard, whereas Loki sought only to rule it.
Alongside Odin and Thor, Loki battled Surtur, and witnessed the seeming demise of Odin.
Not long after that, Loki transformed Thor into a frog...
Agent of Asgard
In a mission for the All-Mother, Loki travelled from space to Midgard in order to collect five keys Odin had once forged for him, should he be worthy.
Using his sorcery and wits, Loki used the keys to claim Gram, the sword of Sigurd, as his own.
During the AXIS storyline, Loki appears as a member of Magneto's unnamed supervillain group during the fight against Red Skull's Red Onslaught form.
Loki is a member of the race of Frost Giants of Jotunheim, .
He possesses physical attributes as the Asgardian Gods, such as enhanced strength; stamina, speed, durability enough to harmlessly withstand high-caliber bullets; and immunity to diseases and toxins, as well as to magic.
He also possesses genius-level intelligence and has extensive training in magic make him achieve the ability to manipulate magical forces for a variety of purposes: energy projection, creation of force fields, temporarily increasing his own physical strength, granting superhuman abilities to living beings or inanimate objects, flight, hypnosis, illusion casting, and inter-dimensional teleportation.
Loki's magical abilities have been described as equal to those of Karnilla, the most skilled sorceress of Asgard. And his illusion casting can fool cities, and powerful entities such as Surtur.
Loki possesses extrasensory abilities and is capable of astral projection and casting his thoughts across great distances—even across dimensional barriers, like that between Asgard and Earth—even if he is unable to move.
He cannot read the minds of other beings, but he can influence their actions, and once briefly hypnotized Thor, but he could not coerce Thor to give him Mjolnir.
Loki is an adept shapeshifter and can change into animals or impersonate other people, such as Thor or Captain America but he does not gain the abilities of whatever he turns into.
After his rebirth, his shapeshifting abilities are more limited.
He explains to Lorelei that, "I can turn into anything, as long as it's me," which he demonstrates by transforming into female Loki and a lupine form.
Loki has the ability to withstand injuries which would prove fatal to another Asgardian.
He has also been shown to be immune to the Controller's control disk, the mental influence of the Voice, and the power-sapping abilities of Rogue.
Loki possesses a brilliant intellect, with some knowledge of technology, as when he created a machine to amplify Iceman's powers, and attaching devices to the Twilight sword to tap into its powers.
He is also an expert manipulator and schemer.
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